Digital midwifery care: challenges and opportunities

September 22, 2023 | Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear Colleagues,

We kindly invite You to the 7th scientific-professional Symposium of midwives with international participation by the topic - Digital midwifery care: challenges and opportunities. In addition to the main topic, free topics in the field of midwifery care are also planned. In addition to lectures as part of the Symposium, quality workshops will be organized where you will be able to acquire skills and knowledge that will be useful in your further work. It will be open in parallel with the workshops Panel Discussion - Midwifery Education: Lessons Learned and Next Steps.
The aim of the Symposium is to point out the advantage of using digital health technology and its integration in the provision of midwifery services, which represents a concrete challenge and an urgent priority throughout the world.
In the near future, digital health technology will lead to the transformation of traditional midwifery practice, which will directly enable better, safer and personalized midwifery care. Therefore, by choosing the topic of the symposium, we tried to hear new knowledge and expand knowledge for the benefit of our patients.
We expect that the time spent in the work of the Symposium will be useful and contribute to the redesign of midwifery care using the latest digital technologies aimed at the needs of women, children and the entire community, in which midwives play a strategic role.
In this atmosphere, I warmly greet you,
President of the Organizing Committee
Olivera Perić, PhD


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Experts from five countries: Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Chamber of Midwives/Midwives HNŽ-K

Chamber of Midwives/Midwives HNŽ-K

20 points for active participation and 15 points for passive